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HomePassword Recovery ⇔ Outlook Express Password Recovery Software

Outlook Express Password Recovery Software

Outlook express password recovery Software provides full detailed server information (Incoming Mail Server/ Outgoing Mail Server account name and password) and server port number and saves recovered data in text file for future reference. Software is useful for business professionals who uses multiple email accounts and find it difficult to manage it. The program supports major email service providers like Gmail, Yahoomail, Rediffmail and more.
Outlook Express Password Recovery Software

Install “Password Recovery Software For Outlook” on your computer. Above screen will be appeared after running the software.
» Software Features:
  • Recovers all Microsoft outlook express and office outlook email/group account saved password.
  • Retrieves Microsoft Outlook Express identity passwords.
  • Provides multilingual password recovery support.
  • Compatible to all major MS outlook and outlook express versions.
  • Saves the recovered information in text file for future reference.